The AI Copywriting Conundrum: What to Do When the Tech Isn’t Enough

The allure of AI copywriting tools is undeniable.

Faster, more efficient workflows and more creative content? Who wouldn’t jump at that idea?

But, of course, there’s more than meets the eye. And, a TON of controversy.

Some people swear by AI. They’ve cracked the code and found what works for them. Others are disappointed by lackluster results and robotic-sounding copy. This isn’t what they signed up for at all.

Even within the professional copywriting community, it’s a very polarizing topic. Some copywriters see it as an opportunity and are actively working to use AI to it’s full advantage. And others, well, some of them consider it downright plagiarism.

If the copywriting experts don’t agree, how is ANYONE supposed to agree?

The secret answer is MUCH more simple: AI copywriting tools are just that. Tools.

With all the flash and buzz around AI copywriting tools, it’s easy to overlook that fact. To remember the output is only as strong as the person using the tool.

If you’ve recently let go of your human copywriter, thinking AI would seamlessly take over, you’re not alone. Many businesses are finding that while AI has its strengths, it’s not a complete replacement for human touch.

So, what do you do when the results aren’t quite what you expected?

Recognize the Strengths of AI

AI copywriting tools excel at data-driven tasks like optimizing headlines, A/B testing phrases, or generating multiple variations of a call-to-action.

Action Step: Use AI for tasks that require quick iterations and data analysis. Let it handle the heavy lifting of optimization.

The Crucial Human Element in Copywriting

While AI can generate copy, it lacks the emotional intelligence, cultural context, and brand voice understanding that a human copywriter brings. Authentic storytelling, humor, and empathy are uniquely human traits.

Action Step: For emotionally-driven campaigns, brand stories, or nuanced messaging, always lean on human expertise.

The Simple Answer: Hybrid Approach

Consider a collaborative approach. Let AI generate the initial drafts or provide multiple copy options. Then, have a human copywriter refine, edit, and infuse brand voice into the content.

Action Step: Instead of choosing between AI and humans, integrate both into your copywriting process for optimal results.

Training Your AI Tool

Many AI copywriting tools allow for customization and training. Feed it with your best-performing copy, brand guidelines, and audience personas to improve its output. 

Action Step: Lean on your human copywriter to spend time training your AI tool, just as you would onboard a new copywriter to your team.

And the most important thing to remember – technology is CONSTANTLY changing. If you’re not prepared to devote resources to continually testing and iterating to fully understand what these tools are capable of, you’re going to get left behind.

The world of AI copywriting is filled with potential, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Working with a copywriter who understands where AI shines and where human touch is irreplaceable, you’ll wind up with copy that resonates, engages, and converts.

There are copywriters who absolutely REFUSE to use AI tools. The copywriting purists. Don’t let them drag your copy down too. Just like anything else, moderation is key here.

AI copywriting tools are here to stay, and they’re only getting better by the day. Don’t discard them when you don’t get the results you’re hoping for.

Instead, find you a copywriter who gets the nuance and can guide you through to the result that you want – a better connection with your audience.

What questions do you have about AI copywriting tools? Leave a comment below and let’s chat!






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