Want To Explode Your Email ROI? Sell Less!

If you want to increase your email marketing ROI, you need to do less selling.

But, to create revenue, you have to sell. Business 101.

It’s a fine line to balance, and the instinct is to always have some kind of sales ask in your emails. The thing is, though, selling constantly only increases one metric – unsubscribes.

Listen, you want to build know, like, and trust with your email list. And, if all you’re doing is bombarding them with sales messages, you’re building the opposite of KLT.

So, here are 8 things you can try in your email marketing to do something other than constantly selling.

Tell a personal story or funny anecdote

We talked about building know, like, and trust, right? A great way to do that is to share a personal and/or funny story. The more your audience gets to know about you and how you think, the more they like and trust you. And it makes them want to work with you!

Discuss a project or process you’re working on

Sometimes, people want to see how the sausage is made. Since you’re an expert and your audience very likely knows little about how your processes actually work, giving them a peek behind the curtain can help them feel more comfortable about working with you.

Send a poll

People love weighing in on our burning questions. Ask questions about your industry and your customers’ industries. It helps you gauge their knowledge, gives you insights on other helpful content you could produce in the future, AND it helps you further segment your list!

Ask a question

Similar to the poll, idea, but different. People love sharing their expertise and helping others out. But this one is different because, instead of offering multiple choice answers, you leave it open-ended and solicit your list to write a response.

Share some learning that recently blew your mind

The knowledge sharing goes both ways. People always want to know the latest and greatest thing you’ve found. The whole reason they subscribe to you is because they like what you have to say, so be sure to say something worthwhile!

Share a case study or results from a recent project

Make it interesting. Share what you learned. Discuss what worked and what you’d do differently next time. It’s the same idea as the knowledge sharing, but it also positions you as the expert you are!

Send a funny meme or video

Why so serious? Your email marketing doesn’t always have to be about work. Sharing humor is a great way to connect with others, AND it gives you space to share your personality. Especially if you work in a very competitive niche, your personality is what sets you apart.

Share a playlist or podcast you’re currently into

Again, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Talk about some music you like. Or share a podcast that really resonates with you. Both are fantastic conversation starters.

And that brings me to the point of all this. Yes, we talk about needing to make money and not leaving profit on the table, but what’s the best way to do that?

Building your know, like, and trust with your audience.
Marketing is all about relationships, really. And if all you do is provide transactional messages, how can your audience really get to know you?

Comment and let me know which one you’re going to try first!






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