You’re Monetizing Your Content Wrong. Do This Instead.

Man, I see post after post on the big publishing sites talking about how much (or more accurately, how little) people make on the Medium partner program and the like. And, it’s the same song and dance with Youtube monetization.

Then you have people crashing their blogs and wrecking the user experience with ads all over the place, just hoping someone clicks and they make a couple dimes off the next purchase.

It all kind of boils down to this: monetizing your content isn’t the way to make money on the internet.

At least, probably not the way you’re doing it now.

Want to know where the real money is?

Get your followers onto your email list pronto and send them awesome emails!

For a lot less work you can turn those likes and comments into email opens and clicks, and it’ll make you more money than your current system! Why? Because your audience will be more engaged and it’ll be less awkward to promote the products you’re trying to sell!

Plus, you’ll get to focus on making better content. What’s not to love?

Why Email Marketing Matters

First thing’s first, let’s talk about why email marketing is so powerful.

For starters, email has a higher engagement rate than most social media platforms. According to a report by Epsilon, the average open rate for emails in North America is around 34%, compared to an average organic reach of just 5.2% for Facebook pages.

Plus, you can use email to deliver personalized messaging straight to your subscribers’ inboxes. This means you can tailor your content and offers to their specific interests and needs, which can lead to higher engagement and conversions.

And best of all, you own your email list, so you’re not at the mercy of algorithms or changing platform policies.

How to Move Your Social Media Following to Your Email List

Now let’s talk about how to build that list. One of the most effective ways to do this is by offering a lead magnet — a freebie that entices people to sign up for your list. It could be anything from a helpful guide to a funny meme collection (hey, memes sell). The key is to make it something your audience will find valuable and relevant.

For example, if you’re a fitness influencer, you could offer a free workout plan or meal prep guide in exchange for an email address. If you’re a beauty YouTuber, you could offer a free e-book on skincare or makeup tips. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something your audience will want to download and use, and that it aligns with your brand and expertise.

Another strategy is to run a giveaway or contest that requires entrants to sign up for your email list. This can be a fun way to engage your audience and get them excited about your brand. For example, you could give away a prize pack of your favorite products or a coaching session with you. Just make sure the prize is relevant to your audience and that the rules are clear and easy to follow.

If you’re feeling really ambitious, you could host a webinar or live video that requires registration — this is a great way to provide value and build your list at the same time. For example, if you’re a business coach, you could host a live training on how to grow your email list, and require attendees to sign up with their email address to access the training.

It not only builds your email list, but it positions you as an expert in your field and gives your audience a taste of what you have to offer.

But Don’t Give Up On Social Media — It’ll Keep the List Growing

Of course, promoting your email list regularly on your social media channels is a must. You could include a link in your bio, add a call-to-action to your posts, or even run ads specifically promoting your list.

Whatever you do, make sure you’re letting your followers know that you’ve got something special to offer beyond just your social media content.

Then It’s Time to Scale Your Email Efforts

Creating a dedicated landing page for sign-ups is a great way to make it easy for people to join your list. This page should include a clear value proposition that explains what subscribers will get by joining your list, and a simple opt-in form that only requires their name and email address. You could also consider adding social proof, such as testimonials or a list of notable companies or publications that have featured your work, to further convince visitors to sign up.

Adding pop-ups or slide-ins to your website can capture visitors’ attention and encourage them to sign up. Just be careful not to overdo it — too many pop-ups can be annoying and counterproductive. Consider using an exit-intent pop-up that only appears when someone is about to leave your site.

One final tip: don’t forget about the power of segmentation. By dividing your list into different groups based on interests, demographics, or behavior, you can deliver more targeted content and offers to each segment. I’ve talked about why this is important, along with other good email tips, in previous posts.

If you follow this plan, you’ll be able to build a strong, engaged email list that will serve as the foundation of your marketing strategy. And who knows, maybe you’ll even get some email open and click-through rates that rival your Instagram likes and comments.

Just remember to keep providing value to your subscribers, and always be thinking about how you can better serve and connect with them. Which part are you going to implement first?






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