You’re Telling the Wrong Stories!

We’ve all heard your marketing has to tell a story, but HOW do we make that story interesting? This week, I dive into 3 proven storytelling frameworks that’ll make your customers beg to buy. WITH examples for each!


Hey everybody!

Today, I want to talk about one of my favorite topics – storytelling in marketing.

I love storytelling so much, but usually one of two things happens:

Either people aren’t really sure how to tell stories in their marketing or they tell the origin story of their business or product and just leave it at that. 

Which, you know, those origin stories are really important, but the people need more!

The trick to great storytelling in marketing is to make the story about your customer.

How are you going to improve their lives or save them money?

That’s what good storytelling takes care of for you.

Good stuff! Video over! Thanks for coming out!

Just kidding. Now we actually need to talk about how you accomplish this, right?

And lucky for us there are several established storytelling frameworks that work perfectly for this.

So, let’s jump into it! I’m going to cover a few today.

The first is the hero’s journey.

We all know this one – Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter.

The hero receives a challenge, they face some struggles, and then they emerge victorious at the end.

Happily ever after, right?

The key is your product is what helps them overcome those struggles.

Think about Nike. Every ad you’ve ever seen is a guy on a basketball court strapping on some Nikes so he can dunk like Michael Jordan or a lady on a tennis court running around just killing it like Serena Williams.

Why? because she’s wearing Nikes. It’s legendary.

Another great framework is problem-agitate-solve.

I mean it’s just like it sounds. This is where we make the audience acutely aware of their problem.

We rub a little tiny bit of salt in the wound to agitate how bad the problem is.

But don’t worry! Our solution, our product alleviates all of these problems!

Snuggie is a great example of this. Remember Snuggie?

Actually, infomercials in general use this framework really really well. So if you want to study up on this, watch some of those older infomercials.

Billy Mays? Remember?

So let’s go back to Snuggie. The problem: you’re cold. It’s even further agitated by the fact that it’s impossible to do normal tasks with a regular blanket on, right?

You’re trying to eat, trying to use the TV remote, trying to sit at your desk and type and get some work done. Regular blankets just don’t cut it for that.

So, the obvious solution is the Snuggie. You can do all the above and more without your blanket falling off and you freezing to death.

Boom. Problem – agitate – solve, right?

So, the last framework that I want to cover today is before-after-bridge.

And, a lot like problem-agitate-solve, it’s pretty self-explanatory, but let’s talk about it.

We. Love. Transformation stories. People in general love transformation stories. 

It’s why we binge watch makeover shows and we get excited about our friends’ weight loss stories, right?

So the before-after-bridge framework compares the customer’s current situation to their dream scenario, then positions your product as the thing that gets them there, right?

That’s the bridge.

So, a classic example of this is Weight Watchers. They show the stories of successful clients, what their life was like before, how miserable they were, before photos – those kinds of things.

Then they talk about what it’s like now, after photos, how great they feel, how much better life is.

And then they talk about how all of this would have been impossible without the Weight Watchers program.

The Weight Watchers program is the bridge from the before to the after.

So, now you have a couple of frameworks to get started telling stories about your product, but, more importantly, telling stories about how your product helps your customers.

That’s the key, right?

So, if you want some help adapting these stories to your business and products, or you want to talk about how to incorporate them into your email marketing – which is a whole other topic that I would love to talk about. We’ll probably do another video on that soon – 

but if you’re curious about any of those things and how to make it work for your business hit me up at, fill out the form and let’s get it done!

I’m excited to talk to you guys about this, so let’s do it!






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